
Managing your Mind-set for 2018!


Do you ever feel like you have thoughts or feelings that hold you back from doing what you really want to do?

Do you worry about the consequences of following your dreams?  Maybe you feel very unconfident and worry about how you appear to others, or you worry about what you 'should be' doing?

You might also be experiencing anxiety or feel stuck about where you are, or aren't in your life right now...time feels like it's running out, or you're still doing the wrong things!

First of all I want you to know that all of these feelings are completely normal.  You are not alone in thinking and feeling this way and even the most confident person will at some stage have feelings similar to this at one time or another.

In today's video I go into this in a bit more detail, sharing a case-study with you about someone who felt just like this. I also share a simple exercise that you can do to start un-blocking these blocks and feeling differently about how you approach things.

So, just click on the video below to get this party started...

I hope you found this useful as a starting point for you if you're feeling this way.  I'd also love to hear from you about how you've overcome your own blocks and feelings that don't serve you.

I must say that this is the start of a very important dialogue that I will be continuing over the next few weeks.  As well as this I'll be sharing with you some exciting new offers I'll be making to you if you'd like to know more about how you can start to make some big changes for yourself this year.

Until then, please do sign up if you'd to get this delivered to your in-box every week. In this I also share a little more than I do here, and you'll be the first to hear about all things going on behind the scenes here at APE.

Also if you'd like to keep the dialogue going then why not come on over to the APE Facebook page where I engage with people daily as well as answering questions.

Have an amazing week...you really can smash this year!

Hibernating Apes...

Did you know that apes hibernate?

Tee hee, well they do over at Ape...!

This week we are taking some time out to relax, rejuvenate, read (a lot!), and r....eat!

We are also taking time away from social media...are you?  It's such a great opportunity to do this, and very good for your mind and soul.

We are however looking forward to being back next year with a series of videos to help you kick start the New Year, including upcoming blogs about Planning for 2018, Managing your Mind-set as well as more car Karaokes, interviews with experts in Yoga, Lucid Dreaming and Out of Body Experiences (I mean wow!), and a fab interview with someone from the National Brain Bank (not for those that are squeamish).

Also rather excitingly we will be launching our first Training programmes so do watch out for those!

We hope that you're enjoying some down time, and don't forget if you want to be the first to get APE directly into your in-box every week, as well being the first to find out about the new APE training then sign up to the Mailing Lost by clicking HERE.

Also, do head over to our Facebook page to get stuck into the conversation..you can do that by clicking HERE.

Till next year...let's make it a good'un!

Merry Christmas from APE!


What are you doing for Christmas this year?

Will you spending it with family?

Adopted family or friends?

Maybe you will be with your animals or will you be alone this year?

Maybe you'll be doing a bit of all of the above!

Whatever it is you're doing, I hope that you'll be taking some time to stop and breathe and that you can find some time to have a bit of fun and playfulness and do what you want to do, not falling into the trap of doing what you think you should be doing, which is often what happens at this time of year.

It's funny how one of the most joyous and wonderful times of the year often turns into one of the most stressful.  It often becomes a time when instead if doing what we want to do we very easily slip into other's expectations of us.

I've worked with a lot of people this year who do this. I've done this myself over the years and what ends up happening is that we feel resentful and even more exhausted than before the Christmas break!

AT APE we are all about finding what makes you happy, and breaking through those mental blocks, barriers and worries in a way that ultimately allows you to feel like you're living a fulfilled life.

I hope that this Christmas you're able to harness a bit of this.  I hope that you get to have fun, feel recalibrated and connected, and also that you feel the excitement of the New Year ahead.

I'll be sharing some things with you over the next few weeks that will help you with this, but in the meantime, our video this week is a reminder to play, have fun and laugh!

Merry Christmas!

Are you sick of being told you need to HUSTLE?...


If you want to make changes in your life and really achieve anything, you NEED to Hustle!

You also need to give 110%, while being your authentic self, but don't forget that you need to be vulnerable and own your shame, all the while you are living your passion...of course with the help of your tribe!....AAGGGGHH!

Do you ever feel quite frankly sick and tired of hearing this vacuous advice, from people who either don't seem to be doing it themselves or do seem to have it all, and now sit on their throne of contentment all the while telling everyone else what to do?

As someone who works in this space, I've felt agitated and frustrated for some time, by the overuse of this kind of language.  I also know that many of my clients feel the same way, as they tell me they don't like using certain words or hearing words that they find unhelpful, as they are striving and working so hard to build more fulfilling lives and businesses for themselves.

I can't lie. I'm guilty of using some of these words and phrases myself, but I do try and limit when I use them, and also feel myself cringing sometimes when I do.  Sadly what may have been a powerful phrase seems to be banded around with such abandon, that somehow it's become the lingo of the self-proclaimed success stories, and quite frankly the many charlatans out there!

So today, in honour of this conversation I've taken a very APE look, i.e. cheeky, fun and full of play (with a big dose of sarcasm) at this issue.  But before you dive in, I want to be super clear that although I've chosen a 'coach' as the main character in today's piece, I am not saying for one moment that this sits on the door of only the coaches out there!  No siree Bob!  On-line marketeers, on-line entrepreneurs, 'self-helpy' peeps and authors are all guilty of this.

And anyway 'some of my best friends are coaches'...wink wink!


Gulp!  What did you think?  "Did this resonate for yoooooouu?" LOL!

I'd really love to hear your thoughts on this controversial topic.  Do you feel bombarded with this kind of language or do you love it and wish you could speak it yourself?  Do you find it helpful or unhelpful?  Please comment below, or indeed pop over to our Facebook page (and new free closed group) to continue this fascinating chat.

 Til next week.

You can join us on Facebook by Clicking HERE. 

And do check out the new free Facebook closed group for those that want access to other like minded people as well as more from me.

You can also sign up to get this delivered straight to your inbox every week, along with some other things I only share with subscribers by CLICKING HERE!

This is your time...


A different pace, a different feel this week.

Have you ever felt stuck, blocked or unsure as to whether you are doing the right things in your life..from your career to your relationships to just how you are living your life day to day.

If so, please take a moment to stop and watch this short video which I designed to inspire you and help you to see that you're not alone.  That in actual fact these feelings, these peaks and troughs are part of life and in some ways we actually need these changes in season to help us make way for change and new things to come.

You see I often feel like I'm in a very privileged position as I get to hear people's stories on a daily basis.  What I know for sure from this experience is that we are more the same than we are different.  That even the most confident person feels scared, that even the most intelligent person doesn't know everything and also that these feelings don't last for ever.  Enjoy...

I hope you enjoyed this very different little video here this week at APE.

What I personally would love for you to be able to take away from this is that you can move through any period of doubt, worry, anxiety or sadness, but at the same time you should never feel pressured to rush though that period, which in actual fact is part of your growth.  It's your winter.  Your time to reflect and nurture yourself, and that there is so much you can do to achieve the things you want to, with clarity, when you choose to.

I'd love to hear what you got from today and also I'd love to hear from you if you've ever felt like this?  Did you overcome your own period of doubt, uncertainty or grief, and what did you do to start putting one foot on front of the other?

With much love to you this week if you've been feeling like this...you CAN do it.  It really is YOUR TIME.

Till next week.


You can join us on Facebook by Clicking HERE. 

And do check out the new free Facebook closed group for those that want access to other like minded people as well as more from me.

You can also sign up to get this delivered straight to your inbox every week, along with some other things I only share with subscribers by CLICKING HERE.




felt this was needed as

Interview with Tao Porchon-Lynch..


The strap line here at APE Model is 'all it takes is for one ape to think differently'.

As well as challenging us to evolve, think and behave differently via the model itself, we also spend a lot of time looking others who are out there actually doing it.  Living it!

These are the the people who have broken the mould via how they live, or what they have accomplished.

These are the people that challenge our thinking and make us ponder and reflect on what we could do differently to live our own best lives.

These are often the people where others around them struggle to understand who they are...what they are doing seems crazy, bonkers, a waste of time, silly, too dangerous maybe?

This week we place the spotlight on one of THE most inspirational people you could ever hope to meet.  Tao Porchon-Lynch.

For those of you that don't know her, Tao is a Yoga Master, and at 99 years of age makes her the oldest yoga teacher in the world today.

Born in Punducherry, India in 1918, she discovered yoga when she was a child, having seen some boys 'playing a game' that she was intrigued by.  Told that this thing was actually yoga, but only something boys were allowed to, do saw the early rising of her defiant spirit as she became determined to master it herself..which she did.

Her path to becoming a yoga master however wasn't straight forward, as she was first drawn to modelling and then the stage, spending her early working life as an actress for the likes of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer working alongside the likes of Kathryn Grayson and Elizabeth Taylor to name a few.

Tao has marched with Mahatma Ghandi, teaches yoga all over the world, learnt to ballroom dance at the age of 84, appearing on America's Got Talent, the list goes on.

In this interview Tao opens up about her path to yoga but also shares so much more.

Here she gives us a special insight into her positive state of mind, and what this does for her mind, body and spirit.  She also tells us about her other passions including animals and taking care of the planet.  So without further ado, please click on the link to get a huge dose of inspiration from a living legend...

I hope you enjoyed this interview with Tao.  I'd love to know what you've been able to take form this interview and also if it hearing her words have inspired you to do anything differently yourself.

I can honestly say that she's inspired me to start my day with a positive thought.  What a huge impact this can have on what happens to you and how your life actually looks.

Also, if you’d like to be the first to find out about all things APE, then of course click HERE to be taken to the link here to sign up for email updates which include a link to the new video in your inbox every week, as well as being the first to find out about new events, courses and programmes!

Also, to keep the APE dialogue going and to meet other like-minded apes then come over and join us on Facebook by Clicking HERE. Every Monday at 7.30pm (BST) evening I do a Facebook Live in which I cover a part of the APE Model and answer your questions too!

I look forward to seeing you over there!

ps - Here are 'the' shoes!  Heels 2 inches high...wonderful!