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Welcome to The Psychology School, where we specialise in courses, training, and consultancy in Behaviour Change and Peak Performance, all led by Chartered Psychologist, Serena Simmons.
My mission is to empower individuals and organisations with the tools and knowledge they need to unlock their full potential and achieve lasting results.
Whether you're a healthcare professional seeking to enhance patient outcomes, a corporate leader aiming to inspire and engage your workforce, or an individual looking for support to up-level your own life & practice, I’m here to support your journey towards your own success.
what I offer
The best way to understand what I offer is to highlight what most of my work consists of. It includes:
DUBAI Healthcare & Coaches course in Behaviour Change Interventions | FEB 2024
An 5 week on-line course focused on Psychology & Behaviour Change for Healthcare Practitioners & Coaches (running just once a year. The next course starts May 2025. To find out more CLICK HERE).
Training in clinics, practices and hospitals around the world (some in-person some on-line), helping them up-level their team in Behaviour Change Interventions and patient adherence strategies.
Consulting with management about how Behaviour Change strategies can be implemented in their teams.
Training, Consulting and Teaching bespoke immersive Psychology workshops in businesses/corporates (mostly focused on positive change).
what next?
There are a few different ways you can access help with understanding Psychology & Behaviour Change. They are:
Access my free blog which you can find HERE.
Sign up to my newsletter which I send bi-monthly. In this I offer new Behaviour Change Insights, share best practice and you’ll always be the first to find out about new training, workshops and events...as well as offering a little behind the scenes. Sign-up box below (ps I never spam!).
Sign up for the foundations course in Behaviour Change. Doors are open now for the only cohort this year, starting June 3rd, 2024. You can find out about that HERE.
Email re me re consultancy for your practice (NHS & private clinics), or business. I also provide immersive, bespoke psychology and behaviour change training. E-mail my wonderful PA Margot at margot@thepsychologyschool.co to start a discussion.
I also have a podcast What the Bleep is Behaviour Change Anyway which you can find wherever you usually get your podcasts, or if you’re a visual like me, then you can also check out the video version on Youtube HERE.
If I’ve missed something and you have a question or query regarding Psychology and behaviour change being incorporated into your practice, then please also just drop me a line.
I’d love to hear from you.