PSYCH LAB is now closed until Autumn 2025.
If you’d like to know when we open again, please sign up to the mailing list to be kept up to date.
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Welcome to PSYCH LAB
PSYCH LAB is your space, exclusively for Healthcare Practitioners & Coaches, and is devoted to providing Psychology & Behaviour Change CPD, support and community all in one place.
Most Healthcare Practitioners didn’t receive any actual Psychology training when qualifying. Did you?
Maybe you had a module or just a workshop that covered psychological components, but more often than not I hear that there’s been no psychology input at all in your training.
This leaves you to figure out how to do things like:
Work with difficult patients - and have challenging conversations
Figure out ways to motivate your patients/clients
Help them to adhere to exercise/programmes of pre-hab or rehab.
Recognise Mental Health issues and know when to signpost/refer?
Develop your understanding of why people think and behave they do - so we can make sense of their actions, especially when what they do, doesn’t appear to serve them.
More than this, by not having any psychology training and input you also miss out on:
Knowing how to work within psychological boundaries that protect YOU as well as the patient/client
Recognising your own superpowers which enable you to work more effectively and work to your own strengths and passions.
Develop key communication skills that allow you to re-direct your patients/clients desire to take control of their own path of care - which means you don’t burn-out!
Building your own Leadership capabilities, which have a positive and significant impact on your work and if you are a clinic/practice owner, your business.
Know how to access important support/peer-support and guidance in your work which aide your practice and help you to stay inspired and motivated.
…and I know that this is how I can facilitate your change and growth in your practice.
What this community has allowed me to do to date is to teach more bite-size psychology that will help you in your practice, but will allow me to help you problem solve your patient dilemmas in real-time, not to mention having the ability to share best practice and learn from each other.
I know there are a lot of CPD communities out there, but there are none that I know of that provide the specific psychology teachings that will serve not only you in your practice…but inevitably as this is about how humans think, feel and behave; it will also serve you in your own life.
This is the feedback I get again and again from practitioners who have completed my courses and training and it’s honestly the biggest game changer. Importantly there is nothing like learning this from a qualified psychologist!
What that means is that I have decades of experience to draw upon. I am also qualified in psychology and teaching and so you are safe hands. I didn’t just wake up one day and decide to do this. This really is my life work (more about me HERE if you’d like to know more about this).
what do I get by joining?
Good question.
I’ve worked hard to get this balance right.
Before I opened back in September, I interviewed and surveyed many healthcare practitioners that had already undertaken work with me and asked them what they would like, and one of the main things that has come up again and again is ‘support’. Since then, I’ve been able to get feedback from the fabulous community of practitioners already inside The LAB.
With this in mind, and in fully understanding that most of you will feel overwhelmed by the amount of training and CPD you have to do, I’ve made this as simple and as appealing as possible. So here’s what you get in Psych Lab:
The CALENDar of content
So what’s on the agenda to start 2025? A lot! (Eeeeek….I’m so excited by this!).
Here you can see an overview of all the goodness that is available to you if you join now.
Each month you will see that you have one speaker or session to help you elevate your practice. This is as well as your monthly Coaching calls, resources, community forum and book club.
NOTE: all session are pre-recorded and uploaded to your learning area.
You will also get sessions from me on the following:
FEB: Kinesiophobia - dealing with fear/blocks and barriers to engagement.
MAR: First session magic* - I will be giving you a strategy and shwling you the best way to begin your work with your patients/clients.
MAY: Imposter Phenomenon - Following on from Perfectionism in April, this will bring together some of these themes as we address how we help people who lack the self-belief they need to change.
JULY: Play in your practice (part i) - One of my favourite topics and a game changer in terms of aiding engagement in our patient/client groups!
So, What will all of this cost?
This is usually the bit I scroll to…after I know I want in, I just want to know how much this is going to be. I get it if that’s you too!
The LAB will open to new members for 2025 and will be priced at £52 per month.
NB: You will be able to cancel at any time, but if returning at a future intake will naturally pay the ‘new price’.
who is it for?
Good question.
I’ve said Healthcare Practitioners here, but having done some recent surveys with my list and people who have bought from me, I’d say it was relevant to the following professions:
Physiotherapists (all areas)
Sports Medicine practitioners - doctors
Sports therapists / soft tissue therapists
Speech & Language Therapists
Health coaches
Sport Coaches / PTs
Though the focus will be on healthcare, the basic psychological factors that relate to humans and behaviour change will be relevant across quite a wide range of discplines. This means I wouldn’t preclude professions such as:
Coaches - Executive/Life etc.
Youth workers
If you are from other disciplines however, please be aware that the majority of work/discussion wil focussed on healthcare*
The other important aspect of this community is that as is standard across all my courses, training, teaching etc - that this is soley for integration and not for the purposes of re-teaching.
Simply put this is not be re-taught in any form anywhere as it is not a train the trainer course. If your’e unsure as to what this means, I have very clear terms and conditions which can be accessed HERE.
These are implicit in any purchase made. Thank you.
What next?
Doors are now open for the LAB!
You can join by clicking through on any of the ‘ENROL FOR 2025’ buttons on this page. Here you will be taken through to a secure payment platform which will also act as your gateway for your community.
what current members say…
Can I just also take the opportunity to say that I’m also just delighted if you’re considering joining Psych Lab. I honestly envisage this to be a community like no other, and I just know that like the beautiful proverb we’ve all heard tells us… “if you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together”.
This is my vision for PSYCH LAB.
Chartered Psychologist
I hope you’ll join me.
Warmest wishes to you!