how to evolve

Want to be a part of some exciting research?...


I've recently been listening to the book Dare to Lead by Brene Brown.  I do love me a good Audible book (no this isn't as ad!).

Have you read/listened to it?  Maybe you haven't yet as it's really only just come out, but maybe you've read some of her other work like Braving the Wilderness or Daring Greatly?

Anyway, one of the reasons I love the work of Brene, is because she's done the work.  I mean really done the work (or for other fans of Brene, she's been in the arena!)

You see she's done the research.  In other words she hasn't just sat on her bottom in her lounge and thought up, out of thin air, a series of opinions about the topics she likes to discuss, namely vulnerability and shame.

Brene Brown is, aside from being a qualified social worker, a US based academic.  In this capacity she's spent more than 20 years researching these fascinating facets of our human being-ness, and in turn impacted the lives of many as she's shared her valuable lessons which have come from the research.  From the data.

But why am I sharing this with you here unlike APE you might be thinking.

Well, some of you reading this may not be aware of the fact that aside from being a Chartered Psychologist, I too am an academic, based in a UK University.

My area of interest is we do it, what stops us, what propels us forward, what inspires us, what hinders us, what stands in our way, what transforms our lives and helps to truly evolve us from the ground up.


It just so happens that I am starting an important piece of research in which I'm going to look at this in detail.  In a way that's not been done before and to do that, I need YOUR help.

If you feel that there is something in your life that you have made a change in, then I would love to hear from you.  I'm going to be conducting interviews with people who have undergone change and compliling a study which will aim to unlock the process of change and in turn help us all in understanding it better.

Right now I am just in the process of making preparations for the study to begin, but I would be so grateful if you would, if you feel you fit the bill, to show your interest by opting in early to find out more.

All you have to do is click on the link below which just asks for your name and best contact details and I will be in touch in the coming months to provide more information about the next steps (you can opt-out at any time so don't worry).


That's all for this week, but please do forward this on to others who you think might be interested in participating.

The more the merrier and the more we will all be able to learn...

...remember, compelling, important work like this, and that of Brene's, can only happen with your help and input, so please consider stepping out of your comfort zones if it's not something you've done before.  I'd be forever grateful.

With many thanks... x

APE SUMMER SCHOOL PART II: The benefits of SLOW living..


Welcome back to week 2 in which we continue our dive into the Art of Slow Living...

Have you ever felt forced to slow down?

What was it that made you do it?

I know that for the clients I've worked with it's ranged from illness, conflict in their lives including family issues, burnout or even the death of a love one that has forced them to stop and take stock.

The lesson I've taken from working with people navigating through these experiences, as well as having experienced it myself, is that there is another way.

We don't, and really shouldn't wait for disaster to strike before we contemplate what we really want to do in our lives, or reevaluate how our lives could look.

So that's what we look at in this short video this week.

Get a pen and paper ready as there's a short exercise at the end that will help you to address the benefits of a slower pace of life.

How to have a Multi-passionate career...


Did you always know what you wanted to do for a job when you were little?

What was it?  Did your idea stay the same or did you change you mind over time - maybe like me, when you realised what 'said job' would actually entail in terms of qualifications or actual on the job tasks!

Maybe, also like many of us who have struggled with this, you were conflicted as there were multiple things that took your fancy?  One you day you wanted to be a doctor the next an interior designer?

Although we don't look specifically at being 'Multi-passionate' (MP) as part of the APE Model, the concept naturally crops us as we look at what you do for your work and income.

Inevitably as part of this conversation, what you love to do, versus what you feel you should do, or indeed when you have been considering a career move, we begin to consider the possibility of stepping into a new career that brings you joy.

We also consider how you may be able to neatly fit together pieces of your life-jigsaw that will make up more of a Multi-passioante or Portfolio career.

So that's exactly what I'm looking at in today's video.  Here I tell you a little bit about me and why a MP career was the way forward on my own career path.  I also look at the benefits to addressing your career in this way and how it can actually free you up from a lot of angst about what you might be feeling you 'should be doing'.

So without further ado..

What do you think?

Do you currently have an MP career or would you like one?  Can you distinguish what you'd like to do for fun versus what you'd like to do for money?

Til next week!

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4 ways you can overcome feelings of Imposter Syndrome...


Have you ever felt like you're not good enough?

Have you ever felt out of your depth at work, like maybe any minute you'll be found out?  That you're not really that confident, or that together or that knowledgeable about the thing you've been employed to do! Essentially that you're going to be found out..that all along you've been a fraud!

If you can relate to any of these feelings then you maybe be experiencing Imposter Syndrome.

Though this isn't a mental health issue per se, it can and does have a significant impact on you and your daily functioning.

It can impact how we feel about ourselves and our abilities. It can hinder what we do next, and how we move forward, and in short, your feelings of being a fraud and not being good enough may mean that you miss out on opportunities that come your way.

In today's video I look at this in a bit more detail and also share 4 things that you can do to start to overcome these feelings straight away.

So without further ado, click on the video below to find out what you can do today...

What do you think?  Have you ever felt feelings of Imposter Syndrome and if you have will you be trying any of these strategies to overcome them?

If you will be trying these things, I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.  Which one has worked better for you and why?


Before you go, if you’d like to have this delivered to your in-box every week, in which I share some behind the scenes stuff too, then do CLICK HERE to be taken to the sign up page (this is just a sign up to the weekly blog update).

Until next week!