How to relax without feeling guilty

Do you struggle to relax?

Are you that person who sits down to watch a film, or have a cuppa and suddenly the guilt sets in.  You think about all the things you could be doing, all the things on your to-to list?  I shouldn’t just be sitting down, you say to yourself. 

Maybe you even pick up a little bit of work to do at the same time…after all what's the harm?  You can just ‘get this done’ while the film is on?  Or you can just read this report while on your sun lounger on holiday!

Well, the fact is, that we end up paying a price when we can't switch off.  When we experience guilt for trying to just have some downtime, it’s a sign that something else is actually going on for us.  It’s a dialogue or narrative we have about relaxing that educes guilt and it usually stems from our up-bringing.

In today’s video I talk about how I've struggled with this for a long time myself, but that's exactly why I've been able to help my clients with this pesky issue too.  

You see, we don’t have to have permission from anyone, or feel guilt when we feel like doing nothing.  I know, novel huh?

Re-framing this time, as time for you/self-care is vital for your sense of self, and wellbeing.  So, I hope you enjoy this video where I take about this more and I also share a simple re-frame for you that will help with this if it’s something that you struggle with too.

I hope you can take something away from today’s video. 

To be able to say to yourself ‘I am enough’ when you feel this kind of guilt…and if you can work on truly believing it, can be a game changer. I challenge you to do this for yourself and I’d love to know what impact it has on you.

In the meantime, if you haven’t signed up for the bi-monthly newsletter in which I share more from behind the scenes as well as extra nuggets on your psychology and how you can make positive life changes, then do sign-up in the box below and this will be delivered to your in-box.

In the meantime take care and I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.