Hello again!,
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged and I can tell you it’s good to be back.
If you follow my journey through social media, or maybe because you’ve worked directly with me over the last wee while, you’ll know things have never stopped ticking along. In fact they’ve just ramped up and I’ve been busier than ever.
There’s been a re-brand, and I’ve gone from APE Model Psychology to The Psychology School. This was thanks to taking a step back and taking the time to invest in my business, branding and marketing…as well as have some time for myself to really think about the direction I wanted to head in.
Yes, it looks like I’ve had a jolly old time, and I did. But I’ve also worked incredibly hard which I think has paid off.
For anyone worried about where the APE has gone, don’t worry ‘the APE’ is still there, as the A.P.E (Acquire | Perform | Evolve) Model is the bedrock of all of my work. It’s the model I use when helping any one through a change, so if you work with me again, you can rest assured you’ll see the APE again! In fact he cheekily pops up every now again.
Another big change behind the scenes is that The Psychology School is now a real place, as I have premises!
The Psychology School | Cobden Chambers, Nottingham (UK).
One of the main reasons I started my business was to bring groups together, and this space means I can now bring people together and hold small workshops, which have been going amazingly well (pre-Covid-19), as well as see my 1:1 clients in a beautiful space.
Workshop details
After the current lockdown I can’t wait to get back in and start bringing people together again, all learning psychology under the same roof and having a blast in the process! I’ve got some great workshops up my sleeve for anyone wanting to learn about their own psychology, and make big life/business changes in the process!
So you can see I’ve been up to a lot!
Over the last year and half, my client list has exploded, I’m working with a full case load of individuals as well as several businesses. We are also expanding and a new wonderful therapist Called Sarah Lewis sill start working with me once we’re back (offering psychological therapies), and I’m just about to take an exciting product on-line so I can help more people further afield, but more about that tomorrow.
I really just wanted to say hello again and provide some context for the step away from blogging which for some time, had to take a back seat. Not because we were gone, but because we were growing and making exciting plans that truly serve you.
So, I’ll back right here tomorrow with the new fresh looking blog for you, as well as an exciting offer for some Free training I’m going be providing next Monday 11th, so be sure to check back if you’d like to know what it is.
In the meantime, if you’d like to know more about the behind the scenes and as well as having access to other things I only share in my newsletter, then please sign up to get updates. You can do this by signing up below.
Until then, like I said its great to be back!